Though the world celebrated the resurrection of Jesus nearly two months ago, the lesson of that season is for everyday living. Firstly, it gives us the opportunity to constantly reflect on the faithfulness of God. Long before the Advent, the Psalmist gave a prophecy concerning His ordeal, that God would not abandon Him in hell. That was the commitment of the Father to the Son. Jesus indeed rose from the dead, a proof that God is always committed to whatever He says. On the heels of that is the comforting truth that God can always turn our suffering around for good, particularly when we are not suffering for any wrong.
The handsome reward of God for this sacrifice is an everlasting inheritance…the triumph of Jesus provides a platform for us to exercise authority and dominion over the devil, sin, and death.
The handsome reward of God for this sacrifice is an everlasting inheritance. Jesus got a name that is supreme above all else in all realms and for all times. The mention of His name now means salvation and deliverance. It is in the light of this that the writer of the book of Hebrews enjoins the saints to endure. Jesus had the strength to go through His ordeals when He set His gaze on the joy that was before Him. With the benefit of the Scripture we can say that any present affliction is working for us an exceeding weight of glory. The final lesson is that the triumph of Jesus provides a platform for us to exercise authority and dominion over the devil, sin, and death.