The first edition of MENTORING MOMENTS for 2024 held on Saturday, March 16th. The program is one of the outreach initiatives by Revival Promotion Partners. The first facilitator that day was a man who left a well-paying HR job for the health sector. Specifically, he helps people in the area of mental health. He testified that he loved what he was doing that he won’t mind if no remuneration was attached. Majority of people do not know the joy that pure service brings. People have monetized everything, including casual greetings. Those who extend courtesy of being “loyal” expect you to part with some money.
Those who always think of service in the context of what to gain will not only forfeit the joy in serving, but they may actually endanger themselves as the case of Balaam proved.
Money or other forms of reward should not be the sole motivation for service. This point was well demonstrated by Daniel, the prophet-statesman. The king, Belshazzar saw a vision that troubled him. The dream defied the wisdom of his magicians. When he heard of the ability of God in Daniel, he sent for him. He offered Daniel financial inducement to do the job. The text of Scripture we quoted today was Daniel’s response. Daniel was willing to do service without strings attached. This was quite in contrast to Balaam who was set on harming the people of God for monetary gain. Those who always think of service in the context of what to gain will not only forfeit the joy in serving, but they may actually endanger themselves as the case of Balaam proved. Concentrate on serving altruistically, and let God reward you however, He deems fit.