Biology employs the word metamorphosis to describe the way some insects and amphibians change in their life. It captures the idea that they do not just grow bigger, but they change form. For example, the life cycle of a beautiful butterfly is this: egg, larva, pupa, and adult butterfly. Human beings do not go through this physical change of form, we are stuck with the same body form which only grows bigger over time. Yet, other forms of metamorphosis or change are required. In this light we talk of mental or situational metamorphosis in humans. Much more importantly for believers, there ought to be a spiritual metamorphosis, a change in the inner man reflective in godly character. If there was a word, to sum up the lives of great men in the Bible through all history, it would be CHANGE. Heroes of faith had had to make changes ranging from their locations to their names and their associations. More often they had to change their minds on their perceptions of God and issues generally. The changes they made were a demonstration of their deference to God when He showed them brighter light.
Our passage gives us a litmus test for the fear of God. Those who refused to change in any form showed their averseness to the fear of God. In other words, if you fear God you show it by the changes you are willing to make. In addition to this, changes also show that we are maturing. Giving up things that have held and kept us bound from fully following the Lord is ample proof of spiritual growth. Having known this truth today, what changes are in the offing? It ought not to be business as usual; it must be business by the Spirit.