We have no clue how long it took before Adam and Eve lost their palatial residence in the garden. What is expressly stated is how they lost it. When God made the man and his wife, He put them in the garden. It was a luxury place where nothing was lacking. God gave them all things to enjoy. They had the privilege to exercise the power of choice. That manifested in two ways. Firstly, it was man’s choice to determine what names to call the animals. God assented to all that Adam called them. Secondly, God asked the couple to exercise their choice to eat freely from any tree in the garden, excluding only the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which was at the center. It was a misadventure of a lasting proportion when Eve chose to eat from the forbidden tree and also gave to her husband.
“The power of choice is one of the greatest things bequeathed to mankind. It also happens to be a delicate one. “
The power of choice is one of the greatest things bequeathed to mankind. It also happens to be a delicate one. Wrongful use of this power can lead to terrible consequences. Their choice disconnected them not only from the beautiful garden, but also God who gave it to them as a gift. They ended up in the wilderness where they had to contend with thorns and thistles and a host of other inclement situations. Today is the fifth day of the year. You probably have made some choices already. There are thousands more you will yet make. It is good you keep in mind from the start that your choices will not leave you the same. Some people make choices that disconnect them from people and places that are meant to advance their lives. They end up plunging themselves into avoidable struggles. Before you take any major decision, consider what it may likely disconnect you from and what it will link you up with.