Different track events come with their lessons. Sprints emphasize the need to be up and about in record time. Relay races teach us on team work. Hurdlers remind us that victory is not at a bargain. If we must succeed, we must arm ourselves with the mind-set of overcoming obstacles. If we are to reach the finish line, we must be ready to clear the hurdles. What we must quickly add, however, is that the most enterprising among men, go through seasons that make everything seem to come to all time low. Zeal slows and courage wanes. At such moment, we all need help if we must continue to strive forward. This is the kind of thing our theme scripture is drawing attention to. Continuity in the face of obstacles or outright danger is only possible when help comes from the Lord.
“If we must succeed, we must arm ourselves with the mind-set of overcoming obstacles…Continuity in the face of obstacles or outright danger is only possible when help comes from the Lord”
A word about the help of the Lord; God’s ways of helping people are legion. It can come simply in form of getting us inspired. Never underestimate the place of inspiration. Inspiration is to our pursuit what gasoline is to automobile. Without it we will come to an abrupt stop, way before our efforts begin to yield result. God has varied methods of inspiring us. It could come as we meditate on Scriptures or listen to the spoken word. Also, like Paul and his colleagues, the entry of a personality into our life could be the tonic. God will work out the details; our duty is to just look up to Him by faith.