Years ago, I met a Kenyan woman who was married to a Congolese. They made their home in Johannesburg, South Africa. She was involved in counselling people, particularly in the area of marriage. At some point, she wanted to upgrade herself intellectually. So she enrolled for a Ph.D program at a university. In order to pull through, she did a number of things. She first sought the nod of her husband and children. She realized that without their cooperation, receiving the much needed space for study, her pursuit would be futile. From there she proceeded to arrange her study at home. One other thing that she did was to get the picture of a lady friend who had previously bagged her Ph.D, and put it on a conspicuous stand in her study. She did that to receive inspiration from time to time. She would often say to herself, “It is my turn to wear this red gown”. And she eventually did!
Vision matters, because it motivates. It matters because it helps to measure progress. Again, vision matters because it saves one from expending energy and resources in things that will not add up.
Several things contribute to success in life. Cardinal among them is vision. Without vision there can be no progress. God asked the young prophet, Jeremiah what he saw. He replied it was a branch of an almond tree. What he saw was what God promised to perform quickly. Vision matters, because it motivates. It matters because it helps to measure progress. Again, vision matters because it saves one from expending energy and resources in things that will not add up. Finally, we should add that in creating a vision, it should be in line with what God is showing. Jeremiah saw what God revealed to him, and not what he wanted to see. Be at liberty to ask God to show you what to engage you.