Unless you confront your fear headlong, you risk missing out on certain assignments that God may have in store for you. I say this from an encounter. In November of last year, I was a guest minister at Truth Foundation Ministries, Numan, Adamawa State, Nigeria, for their convention. It was a complete experience for me, having opportunity to minister to the political class, traditional institution, ministers of the gospel and the Body of Christ in general. However, I almost missed all of these. The invitation to the meeting was given to me a year to the program, but I was not instantly disposed to it. My first reluctance was hinged on the fact that it was scheduled for after our ministry’s national convention when I usually travel outside the country. By far the strongest reason for reluctance was fear. In the light of insecurity in the country, I was not ready to commit. It was after some enquiries and prayers that I had the release to go. I later found the city more peaceful and secure than most southern cities.
Unless you confront your fear headlong, you risk missing out on certain assignments that God may have in store for you.
The scripture says that fear has torment. It does more than that; it can also put paid to your efforts and grind you to a stop. Ironically, most things that people fear are baseless. No wonder someone has come up with uncanny definition of fear as False Evidence Appearing Real. David said that what time he was afraid, he would trust the Lord. If you are threatened by any type of fear, take it to the Lord in prayer. If you must, do some findings on what you are fearful about; but by all means don’t let it stop you from pursuing God’s mandate for your life.