Many believers try to resist the devil by echoing the words of our text – “Devil I resist you”. Of course, the name of Jesus would be added to complete the ritual. However, those words do not necessarily translate to the exercise of authority or that the devils would be tamed. We remember the story of the seven sons of Sceva, who tried to cast out devils from their victims in the name of Jesus “whom Paul preaches.” (Acts 19:13 NKJV). It was a humiliating experience for them as the evil spirit leapt over them and left them wounded. Their problem was exercising authority without a relationship. You cannot grow your spiritual authority without a solid relationship with God.
“Every time we obey God, we increase our authority to resist the devil.”
Besides, James put something ahead of resisting the devil; that is, submission to God. The spiritual realm is highly structured. Order is impeccable and recognition of hierarchy is a norm. Perhaps, the structure in the army will provide a physical example of what structure in the spirit means. The Centurion wanted healing for his servant; and when Jesus volunteered to come to his house, he declined. He believed that just a word from Jesus would take care of that. In his explanation, he said he was a man under authority and in authority. He commands the soldiers under him, and they obey. The reason for that was that he was subject to the commands of his superiors. Every time we obey God, we increase our authority to resist the devil. Satan and his demons are not under obligation to obey us when we live in rebellion against God.