Forgetfulness can constitute a grave danger to our relationship with God. The Bible passage for meditation today says the people of Israel soon forgot God’s work. It is important to contextualize this verse to be able to appreciate the point being stressed. If you read this chapter of the Bible from verse 8 you will find how God delivered the people from the hands of the Egyptians. And shortly after this, He dried up the Red Sea for them to walk on dry ground. That exploit led to the people singing His praise as verse 12 indicates. Then in a swift twist, we are told they soon forgot. Remember that it was shortly after they came out from the Red Sea that they were looking for water to drink in the wilderness. That led to a lot of complaints and murmurings. It was too early for a people who had witnessed such demonstration of the power of God to murmur. God could not put up with such attitude; He sent destroyers into their camp.
“We forget too quickly the various deliverances and provisions of God. Rather than gratitude and continuous trust, we worry ourselves…Our daily task is to seek for something to celebrate God for. This is an antidote to murmur and worry.”
A recall of what God did before would have kindled faith in them to believe Him for water and every other need. Too often we find ourselves in the same frame as Israel of old. We forget too quickly the various deliverances and provisions of God. Rather than gratitude and continuous trust, we worry ourselves. The point is this: God does not change; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Since He has been faithful in time past, we can count on Him to be faithful still. We may not know what tomorrow holds; but we know who holds tomorrow to be capable and faithful. This is a blessed assurance that we have a safe future. Our daily task is to seek for something to celebrate God for. This, in addition to strengthening our faith, is an antidote to murmur and worry.