Our text underscores man’s inherent ability to believe. Man’s capacity to believe is undeniable. The question is what or who is believed. Most people board the plane without any idea of the laws of mechanics and aerodynamics. They have no knowledge of mechanics and aerodynamics. Boarding the planes is an expression of faith. They believe that the aircraft is in good condition to fly them. They believe that the crews are well-trained. No passenger asks to be shown the pilot’s license before boarding a flight. People just believe. If during a flight the pilot announces that people should fasten their seat belts because of imminent turbulence, no one argues. All these point to man’s inherent capacity to believe. In our text, Jesus implored us to apply this capacity to the things of God.
Man’s capacity to believe is undeniable…The acid test for faith is obedience…If you truly believe, you will obey God even before all the facts are in. The chief evidence of faith is obedience.
A word about faith will be in order. Faith in God is not just about nodding the head in approval or giving mental assent. Indeed, faith in God is more than verbal affirmation and positive confession. The acid test for faith is obedience. “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.” Hebrews 11:8 NKJV. When God asked Abraham to move, He did not give him a panoramic view of the trip. Despite that, he obeyed God. If you truly believe, you will obey God even before all the facts are in. The chief evidence of faith is obedience.