We are returning to this text for the second time in as many days. Previously, we noted that God’s work runs across generations. The way to walk with Him is only to think of generations. Let us turn to a vital issue for today. When God asked the leaders of Israel to preserve samples of manna for children yet unborn, it was a clear statement that God’s supply would not forever take that format. In the mind of God, the manna would cease. Manna was dictated by the exigency of the time. They constantly changed locations; and there was no guarantee that if they sowed in the land at one point, they would stay long enough to reap it. So, as soon as they got to Canaan and ate of the old produce of the land, the manna ceased. (Joshua 5:12). God will sustain us for as long as necessary on miracles; but sooner or later He would revert us back to principles entrenched in His word for day-to-day victorious living. Those who fail to recognize when this important transition occurs are often left stranded, wondering if God has stopped being faithful.
Obedience is the greatest preservative of life and destiny. Choose to do all things at His word; and you can be sure of His hand of favor and protection.
There is a second lesson to explore. Several of the children of Israel gathered manna more than was necessary for the day. The leftovers bred worms by morning time. But here they put the same manna in a pot for years on end, and no single worm was in sight. It comes to one important lesson; that is, obedience. Obedience is the greatest preservative of life and destiny. Choose to do all things at His word; and you can be sure of His hand of favor and protection.