Man’s capacity to believe is undeniable. The question will be what or who is believed. Most people who fly to different destinations may have no knowledge of mechanics and aerodynamics. Boarding the planes is an expression of faith. They believe that the aircraft is in good condition to fly them. They believe that the crews are well trained. No passenger asks to be shown the pilot’s license before boarding a flight. People just believe. If during a flight the pilot announces that people should fasten their seat belts because of imminent turbulence, no one argues. All these are pointers to the fact that the capacity to believe is inherent in man. In our text, Jesus implored the people to believe in God and Himself. If they could not believe, that exhortation would have been misplaced. We have faith, only we need to place it in the right subject.
“We have faith, only we need to place it in the right subject…Your obedience expresses your faith in God. “
Now, faith in God is not just about nodding the head in approval or giving mental assent. Indeed, faith in God is more than verbal affirmation and positive confession. A major way of testing for faith in God is obedience. This point is well canvassed by Charles H. Spurgeon: “When a patient believes in a physician, he carefully follows his prescriptions. Faith which refuses to obey the commands of the Saviour is a mere presence – and will never save the soul”. Obedience to God shows two things. The first is honour. When we obey, we honour God. Disobedience is dishonouring to God. It is suggesting that He is not qualified to tell us what to do. The second is faith. Your obedience expresses your faith in God. It is expression of confidence in God’s loving-kindness, and that He will not ask you to do anything that will be injurious to you.