After concluding our mission to Malawi, we flew into Dar es Salaam on the night of September 15, 2023. One of the men who received us at the airport, a Bishop, regaled us with developments in the country since the last time we were there. He spoke of their new leader wooing the Arabs to come in. He considers that a second enslavement. Then he went on to say that the cost of living has gone up astronomically. At that point, Pastor Ben Omomia interjected and said that it is no different in Nigeria. Yesterday, we learned that suicide is no longer confined to a particular region, it is an issue of global concern. That submission is equally true for the cost of living. Relocating to another country no longer guarantees a better living standard.
The Book of Ruth introduces us to a family who relocated from Bethlehem Judah when the economy was bad. They went to Moab in search of greener pastures but ran into worse crisis, losing their patriarch and the two heirs. Meanwhile, the place they left was the same land where Boaz made his fortune. It could be in God’s plan for some to relocate, but it is important to clarify that before setting out. Also, it makes no difference where we are under the sun, we will still need the grace of God. With the release of the grace of God, all our needs can be provided for more than we imagined.