The stories of two individuals have helped me to appreciate the ironic truth that those who provoke you could end up promoting you. The first story pertains to a university don who is also a leader in one of our churches. Needing no big accommodation because his family was not in the city where he works, he rented a one-room quarter from a colleague. For some inexplicit reasons, his colleague issued him with a quit notice. All entreaties fell on deaf ears. That compelled him to commence development on a parcel of land that he had bought earlier. Today, he lives in his own house. A similar story involves a pastor. The place he was using for his ministry was given free of charge. However, the benefactor became nosy in the affairs of the church. He became unruly and interfered with proceedings even when services would be going on. The unpleasant development led the pastor to buy a land for the church. As of now, the building has been roofed and in use for service.
A cardinal truth about God is His ability to turn things around…He has the ability to put a redemptive spin on Satan’s activities and turn it to a blessing for His people.
Joseph had right perspective concerning the maltreatment he received from his brothers. They had sold him into slavery and thought to have made a clean end of him. However, the steps they took only brought him closer to where God had planned for him in destiny. Joseph became a ruler in Egypt and a saviour of the world as it were. What his brothers meant for evil was turned around by God. A cardinal truth about God is His ability to turn things around. He knows what the enemy is doing or has in plan. Beyond this, He has the ability to put a redemptive spin on Satan’s activities and turn it to a blessing for His people. With God on your side, head or tail, you will win!