The scripture is unequivocal about reward. We are enjoined to do whatever we do heartily because our reward will come from the Lord. What we need to bear in mind is that God’s reward will not all be cast in monetary or material terms. The principle of sowing and reaping or giving and receiving is evidently taught in the Bible. In its most basic form, it simply states that whatever a man sows that he shall also reap. That would mean if you want a harvest of money, you first give out money. If you have a need of a material harvest, give out material substance. This principle, however, has its application at a higher level; in which case one can sow a material seed and God gives in return a non-material harvest. He simply converts our seed sown into a most needed blessing in our lives at some given moment. This truth can be better understood with the story of the Zarephath widow.
“When you do your stewardship, be reminded that God cannot fail to reward you.”
This widow had shown great courtesy and hospitality to the prophet. She had given of her material substance and she indeed got a material harvest as the pot of flour did not run dry. But she got more than material things. Her son took ill and eventually died. She protested to Elijah who picked the matter up with God. After prayer and some prophetic actions, the son came back to life. God met this woman at the point of her greatest need; but the door to this miracle was unlocked by her giving life. When you do your stewardship, be reminded that God cannot fail to reward you.