It was an honour to be with Dr Robert Johnson and the Kings Mission Centre during their annual convention in November last year. The theme of their meeting was GRACED TO WIN. I recapped what I had heard others say about grace. Some say it is God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. I also recalled how others say it is UNMERITED FAVOUR. Then I added that grace will invariably come to Christ in action! John’s gospel makes it clear that grace and truth came to us through Jesus. He added that His fullness is where we receive grace after grace. Jesus is grace personified!
Having been publicly endorsed, the leaders of the church at Antioch did not organize a fundraising dinner for Paul and Barnabas. There was no indication that they gave them any money at all. What they did was to fast, pray, and lay hands on them before letting them into their mission. What took place then is better described in the words of Acts 14:26 – “And thence sailed to Antioch, from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God for the work which they fulfilled” (KJV). When the elders fasted, prayed, and laid hands on them, they were entrusting them into the arms of grace. The importance of this could be seen in several obstacles that they surmounted on the way. The sorcerer could not frustrate them, neither could stoning destroy Paul, because grace had gone ahead of them. When we pray for people that grace may be sufficient for them, in effect we are asking Jesus to undertake for them. With Jesus calling the shots, victory must abound.