As we stressed in previous meditation, believers have power and authority. However, this is expected to be exercised not magically but in fulfillment of divine will and tasks. In our text, Jesus revealed a powerful secret of His highly successful life and ministry. If anyone knew his exact job descriptions, Jesus did. Knowing this kept Him from distractions. At some point, Jesus was wooed to be made king. Even though He knew in Himself that He was King of kings, that offer was not from God. It would have eventually trapped Him into doing the irrelevant. He rubbished the idea. That is one of the things that will happen when you are sure of what you should do with your life. What attracts other people will hold no appeal for you.
There is nothing that better guarantees successful exercise of power and authority than being in God’s will. Your authority will grow parallel to your obedience to God’s will.
Apart from this, divine support comes as you do what God expects of you. In John’s Gospel alone there were no less than 17 references where Jesus alluded to the fact that the “Father sent me”. One of the instances is what we adopted as our meditation today. He spoke with all clarity about the partnership of the Father with His mission here on earth. It could not be otherwise; the work He was doing was commissioned by the Father and has to be backed up. There is nothing that better guarantees successful exercise of power and authority than being in God’s will. Your authority will grow parallel to your obedience to God’s will.