All through the Bible, we are shown different attributes of God. For example, we can talk of His faithfulness. This is what guarantees that God stands by whatever He says. In order words, when God speaks it will not return to Him void. This aspect of His nature strengthens our confidence in Him. You can also refer to His mercies. As a prophet pointed out, it is for the sake of His mercies that we are not consumed. Also, consider His power. The psalmist stated categorically that power belongs to Him.
However, no aspect of His nature is stressed as much as His holiness. Isaiah caught the revelation of the Lord in glory. He saw the seraphim around the throne, each having six wings. Two wings covered their faces, two covered their legs, and the remaining two were used in flight. The fact that they had to cover their faces is a pointer to the fact that God is extremely holy. Then they echoed repeatedly, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts” (Isaiah 6:3). We have this same picture painted in the book of Revelation when the living creatures proclaim the holiness of God night and day. The holiness of God is like the hub that holds all His other attributes together. So important is it that our text lays it out as a commandment that we are to be holy just as He is holy.
In our previous study, we referenced Peter who said that God called us out of corruption to be partakers of His divine nature. We are often eager to desire such divine attributes as the power of God. Without holiness, however, power will be counterproductive. Holiness is a priority to God, and we must make it our own too.