How seriously do people and governments take the issue of health? The statistics will give us some clues. In 2019, the U.S government spent $3.8 trillion on health care. The drive for a healthy living is the reason private individuals take to exercises and maintain strict diet regimes. However, good health is not merely the outcome of a series of cautions and precautions, diet regimes and physical activities. As was mentioned yesterday, there are invisible parts to the subject. We mentioned one previously, which is walking in the fear of the Lord with the attendant peace of mind. The text before us today is another major secret to health.
Isaiah looked through his prophetic viewfinder and saw into parts of the works of Christ the Messiah. He was going to receive several stripes for the healing of all types of human diseases. As the Roman soldiers laid stripes on the bare back of Jesus, God was dealing with our ailments. That was an invisible part of health. A look at Jesus’ ministry on earth revealed that He had healed substantially even before He was beaten with stripes and then put on the cross. If healing took place before He received the stripes, what ground do we have to doubt its possibility afterwards? The stripes of Jesus are efficacious for our healing now as when they were first laid on Him. Before and beyond any physical attempt at securing good health, let us learn to appropriate what Jesus already did through His suffering.