Time has incredible potential! For instance, it is a revealer. All that Daniel requested for was time to dig into the king’s mysterious dream. In the course of time, with prayer of course, God revealed both the king’s dream and the interpretation. In addition, time heals. It can also serve as a pacifier. In the second week of December last year, I decided to take my clothes to a particular dry cleaning outfit. I had abandoned them some two or three years before then for what I considered dereliction of duty. That time, I promised never to patronize them again. However, that early December morning it was as if something thawed inside me and I was ready to do business with them again.
Unless it becomes absolutely necessary, don’t even border to offer explanation to exonerate yourself. Genuine apologies out of a sincere heart will pacify the offender.
Our text is a recommendation on how to comport oneself if the boss is angry. “Don’t quit”, the wiseman counsels. Remaining penitent with a quiet spirit will do the magic ultimately. What applies to relationship with a boss can work with spouse as well. It can even fit into any other situation. If someone is angry at you, don’t aggravate the matter. Unless it becomes absolutely necessary, don’t even border to offer explanation to exonerate yourself. Genuine apologies out of a sincere heart will pacify the offender. It may not happen within the hour, maybe not even within a day; but if you keep at it the anger will be dissolved.