The book of Psalms stipulates many things for the meek. Psalms 22:26 says that the meek will eat and be satisfied. In chapter 37:11, the meek has the earth for their inheritance. Turning to chapter 147:6 we learn that the meek will enjoy a lifting. Of particular relevance to our meditation today is Psalm 25:9 which says, “The meek will he guide in judgment: And the meek will he teach his way.” (KJV). I believe that Manoah exhibited the trait of meekness as we shall see shortly. His wife had been barren for some time before the angel appeared to give the promise of a son to her. When she told the husband about the encounter, he only prayed that the angel would appear again. When the angel re-appeared, it was to his wife again. She had to plead with the angel to wait while he went to call the husband. Our text says, that Manoah arose and followed the wife. By following his wife Manoah himself finally had encounter with the angel.
“It is important to note that ego will stand in the way of real blessing from God…Ego will keep a man from acquiring knowledge; simply because it takes humility to learn.”
There is something commendable here about the character of Manoah. He cuts across to me as a mature, humble person. He seems to be someone who had his man’s ego under control. Many a man would get into an argument why it was their wives having deep encounters with God. It is also not a conventional thing for men to follow their wives around; they think it should be the other way round. How many men would follow their wives to a place of worship that is not their own personal preference? It is important to note that ego will stand in the way of real blessing from God. Ego will keep a man from acquiring knowledge; simply because it takes humility to learn.