Elijah is here seen standing before Ahab to make a pronouncement to suspend rain in the land. A quick reminder of who Ahab was will help to place this action in proper light. Ahab was reported as being of extravagant disposition when it comes to evil. He was constantly inspired by his wife Jezebel throughout his reign of terror. For Elijah to stand before such a man is a pointer to the fact that he belonged to a rare breed. I will like to refer to him as one of the kingdom princes that dot the pages of the Bible. By the way, in temporal sense, a prince is a member of a royal family. Expectedly, a prince will have some say in how the realm of the king is run.
Kingdom princes are men and women of status in the spirit. They are people of authority. Kingdom princes shape the course of history and direction of society.
Kingdom princes, as we could see from the story of Elijah, are men and women of status in the spirit. They are people of authority. Kingdom princes shape the course of history and direction of society. They literally judge on behalf of God. By standing before Ahab to pronounce judgment, Elijah was not trying to flex spiritual muscles; he was simply judging the land on behalf of God. The need of the hour is for kingdom princes to rise in every segment of the society. God needs worthy ambassadors in all areas of human enterprise. The more of these princes we have the quicker the plan of God will unfold for our nation and the nations of the earth.