In our previous meditation we dwelt on one fact; that is, kingdom princes have status in the spirit, and they are people of power. We can say that all the children of God potentially fit into this description. This is what the Bible passage for today’s meditation is saying. All of the saints of God have the honor of being the ambassadors of God who can implement the judgment written. However, not many will be able to actualize this enviable position. For some it will be because of ignorance, not knowing that they are designed for authority. The devil is a master at getting people satisfied with a few carrots in the kingdom instead of going for the real power of God. For some others, their inability to attain to prince hood will be because they failed to meet the conditions.
Becoming a prince in the Kingdom requires that you know how to hear God… a kingdom prince is to be ready to carry out orders in a prompt manner as soon as the mind of God is known.
What are the conditions for people to become princes in God’s kingdom? Borrowing again from the story of Elijah, people must learn to stand before God. There are two ways to this. Standing before God is standing in intercession. The way a waiter waits on a client, to carry out instructions, that is how we are to wait on God. Becoming a prince in the Kingdom requires that you know how to hear God. Also, it requires the ability to determine the mind or the will of God, being conscious of what He wants for every given moment. Above all, to be a kingdom prince is to be ready to carry out orders in a prompt manner as soon as the mind of God is known.