Lack of appreciable progress in life could be due to what we are yet to release! Here is a perfect illustration. I was picked up at the airport after a trip. We hadn’t quite covered a hundred meters before I sensed something was wrong with the car. The drive was not smooth and the feeling was that something foreign was welded to the tyres. I immediately raised an alarm to the two men who came to pick me, giving instruction that the car be checked the following day. But on the way I was not comfortable, and something in me leaned forward to check the handbrake. The man behind the wheel pulled out of the parking lot without releasing the brake. That was the reason for all the eerie sound we were hearing. As soon as he released the brake the car came back to its perfect state, and the ride became enjoyable.
“However, more often than not, lack of progress in life is often traceable to what we are holding down or holding on to…This is the time to release every person we are holding in our hearts.”
Believers are quick to point finger of accusation at the devil or some of his human agents. We cannot discount the activities of the wicked. However, more often than not, lack of progress in life is often traceable to what we are holding down or holding on to. Just as we never enjoyed our ride until we let go of what was holding the car back, the same is true of life. In order to make progress in life we must make an honest assessment of things, and be ready to let go of sin, habit, or whatever else it is that might affect us from going as far as God had designed. There is no better time to do this than now. We are in the eve of 2022. This is the time to release every person we are holding in our hearts. No excess luggage should be allowed into the new year.