A mission will be stagnant without the support of people of like-minds. That is why God will not give you a mission without men. Should you find yourself jostling alone with a mission you believe is from God, cry out like Moses did. “Then Moses said to the Lord, “See, You say to me, ‘Bring up this people.’ But You have not let me know whom You will send with me. Yet You have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight.’” Exodus 33:12 NKJV. Even Jesus had to recruit a group of 12 as mission helpers. A stand-alone mission will be short lived.
A note of urgent emphasis that we must enter now is that not just any category of people will be an advantage in the pursuit of your mission. Look at Jesus for instance. Some wanted to follow Him, but He turned them down. Others showed initial reluctance but He egged them on. His choice of men was a thorough selection after seasons of ardent prayer. Wrong people in your company can prove disastrous to your mission. This is the big lesson to go with today. In the passage for meditation today we see how the king of Judah had wanted to go on a campaign. He solicited the help of the king of Israel to boost his forces. But then the prophet came to the king of Judah to dismiss Israel because the Lord was not with them. Had the king of Judah been adamant and gone ahead as planned, that would have been an ego trip of some sort, with disastrous consequences. Maybe you need to allow the Holy Spirit to audit the people around you and your business.