In our previous meditation we made reference to an abiding aphorism of John Wesley that you should ‘do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.’’ Life in Christ is expected to be devoted to good deeds. Indeed, our deeds become all the more altruistic when it is to people we don’t know or those who are not in position to pay us back.
“We are to show the goodness of God to the world without looking back. All such altruistic acts of kindness have their pay day; and the reward will come directly from God who sees all secrets.”
I read the story of a woman who lived frugally while she worked. She had neither husband or biological children. After taking care of her basic needs, she invested the rest of her earnings. Over time the money grew in excess of a hundred million dollars. At death, she left a will instructing that her fortune be used for education of poor children. Many of the beneficiaries never met her; and being dead they would never be in a position to repay her kindness. This is the kind of deed that Jesus recommended. We are to show the goodness of God to the world without looking back. All such altruistic acts of kindness have their pay day; and the reward will come directly from God who sees all secrets.