Encarta defines order, among other meanings, as an organized condition, with items arranged properly, neatly, or harmoniously. I once heard Mike Murdock define order as logical arrangement of things. In other words, order is said to be in place when everything is in its proper place. When you have order you are more likely to have peace around. Order will create enabling environment and enhance productivity. In some cases it will save you time and energy. Maybe you need to take some quiz to determine the level of order in your life. Do you have a fixed place where you keep your car keys? Where are your certificates? Can you describe to a total stranger in simple terms how to pick a file from your study? You can multiply the example. One thing to go with is the fact that order does not set itself. If you are ever going to have order in your life, you need to get down to work.
“…order does not set itself. If you are ever going to have order in your life, you need to get down to work…Learning to set order may not come easy, but the results will justify the efforts.”
Elijah’s encounter on mount Camel remains one of the best illustrations on the need to have order. When it was his turn to make sacrifice and call down fire, he first set about creating border. The Bible states that he set the wood in order. He also laid the animal in order. After that, he called on the name of the Lord. The result was an over-powering fire from heaven! So strong was the fire that it consumed not only the lamb and the wood, but also the water and stones set as the altar. The lesson is that we can get more out of our prayer life if we put things in order. Learning to set order may not come easy, but the results will justify the efforts.