In our previous meditation, we learned of Separation Anxiety – the feeling of emptiness suffered when people disconnect from us. That is not the only form of anxiety that people suffer from. There is also a kind of anxiety that arises from sustenance. Jacob had that anxiety. Though God had promised to keep, guide, and bring him back to his father’s house, he went ahead giving conditions that would lead to Jehovah being his God. Among the conditions were food to eat and clothes to wear. “Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, so that I come back to my father’s house in peace, then the LORD shall be my God.” (Genesis 28:20-21 NKJV). Is it not rather strange that the man that had been promised the total covenant package reduced everything to bread and clothes? That is what can happen when anxiety takes a hold of a life.
” When we get our focus right, God will do the needful in terms of our sustenance and welfare.”
Jesus gave a frontal attack on anxiety while talking with His disciples. In that discourse, three grounds were canvassed as reasons to not worry about sustenance. Firstly, worry does not change anything; it simply compounds whatever is on ground. Secondly, God’s tender care over littler creatures should keep us at rest that He would take care of us. The birds of the air receive their ration without stress. The lilies in the valley have annual makeovers. God’s tender care makes this possible for them; and He can do more than that for us who are made in His image. Finally, judging by the law of prioritization, life is more important than food and the body is more important than clothing. If He gave us the more important things, the lesser ones are guaranteed. What God requires of us is to take life one step at a time and focus on seeking the kingdom of God. When we get our focus right, God will do the needful in terms of our sustenance and welfare.