My visit to the Deputy Governor of Adamawa State left an indelible mark on me. Among other things, I learned of the incredible power of God in lifting people. By the way, the November trip was my third visit to Truth Foundation Ministries. Her Excellency informed me that on my previous visit, she was a member of the ushering department and had particularly received me. Today, she is an administrator over a state of the federation! Her remark gave me a classic interpretation of the theme of their meeting – OPEN REWARD. She was manning a university as the Vice-Chancellor before she was invited to run along side the governor.
God doesn’t draw a lucky dip to promote people, He considers faithfulness…Those who want to enjoy God’s raise must imbibe the wisdom contained in Solomon’s writing – Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might.
Our text reminds us that God is in charge of promoting people. What we need to be mindful of is that there is fairness in all that God does. Though He promotes people, He is not reckless about it. God doesn’t draw a lucky dip to promote people, He considers faithfulness. Typically, God will start us out on small assignment. When we demonstrate faithfulness He entrusts bigger things into our hands. With God, the consideration is not small or big; it is faithfulness. Those who show faithfulness in little things are deemed faithful in bigger things as well. Those who want to enjoy God’s raise must imbibe the wisdom contained in Solomon’s writing – Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might.