There are two things of interest in our meditation today. The first is that the various accounts penned down in the Bible are mostly indicative, and not necessarily exhaustive. The opening verse of 1 Kings 17 recorded Elijah’s proclamation of drought on the land. By the time God promised to bring rain back to the land, three years had elapsed. All that happened in those three years were compressed into just one chapter. What this means is that not all that happened was recorded for us. The good news is that what is necessary for our salvation and edification is firmly noted in the scriptures. Concerning the ministry of Jesus, the Bible says He did many things that cannot all be captured in words; otherwise the volume that would have been written would be as big as the earth itself.
“Until we come to terms with the fact that time is not a constraint to God, we will not recover our peace.”
The second lesson has to do with timing. Few things puzzle believers as the issue of timing. We believe God for things and we have the warrant of Scriptures and the witness of the Spirit that it is done. Yet we don’t see immediate manifestation of our expectations. Then we get worried and confused. The reason for this is that we have not come to terms with the fact that God does not count time the way we do. Consider how our text of Scripture began: “And it came to pass after many days…”. Those days were three years and six months! What we count as years He sees as days; and what we consider as days are but fleeting seconds before God. Until we come to terms with the fact that time is not a constraint to God, we will not recover our peace.