Here we have another proof of God’s infallible word. None of His proclamations will go unfulfilled. The prophecy fulfilled in this place was given in the days of Joshua. Specifically, it was given after the overthrow of Jericho. “Then Joshua charged them at that time, saying, “Cursed be the man before the LORD who rises up and builds this city Jericho; he shall lay its foundation with his firstborn, and with his youngest he shall set up its gates.”” (Joshua 6:26 NKJV). After Joshua, there were 450 years when judges held sway in Israel. Then you have Saul, David, and Solomon who reigned for 40, 30, and 40 years respectively. So there must have been at least 560 years before the word came to pass. The moment the attached clause to the prophecy was fulfilled, the prophecy also came to pass.
“Prophecies require enabling environment for their fulfillment…Delayed prophecies concerning the Lord’s return is not a sign of slackness on God’s part; rather it is the expression of His loving-kindness to bring many more souls into the kingdom. “
Prophecies require enabling environment for their fulfillment. In some cases, too, faith on the part of the recipient is necessary. Finally, patience is a must-have when you are watching for the fulfillment of certain prophecies. There are several extant prophecies concerning the second coming of Christ. We are warned that many people will think of it as impossible. They will reason that since the foundation of the world, all things have continued the same way. Delayed prophecies concerning the Lord’s return is not a sign of slackness on God’s part; rather it is the expression of His loving-kindness to bring many more souls into the kingdom. The wise at heart will take this imminent world-changing event seriously and prepare for it.