The writer of the book of Hebrews placed the pursuit of peace and holiness as conditions to see the Lord – “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord:” Hebrews 12:14 NKJV. Let us focus on the subject of peace a little more. There are three aspects of peace that we need to be conversant with. First of these is peace with God. This is foundational, as no lasting peace can be achieved except one has made peace with God. The sacrifice of Jesus for the sins of the world is the basis to expect this type of peace. If we confess our sins and renounce them, God sends His peace into our hearts.
“No lasting peace can be achieved except one has made peace with God…Being at peace with yourself also demands that you are a contented person.”
Secondly, there is peace with our neighbours. This will include everyone we have to deal with in close quarters. You cannot know real peace except you are walking in understanding with your spouse and other members of your family. Those who are closest to you impact your joy and peace more than you can imagine. Apart from understanding them, you will also need to practice a lot of forgiveness as occasional frictions may not be ruled out. Finally, you need to be at peace with yourself. This can only happen when you are in your elements, doing exactly what you are cut out for. Abraham Maslow was quoted as saying, “A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself”. Being at peace with yourself also demands that you are a contented person.