Those who have listened to me from last year till recently will probably remember how a word from the Lord became my theme. I was at Pilgrims Hall in England a while ago seeking the face of the Lord. Among other things, the Lord said: “The time has come for me to prove to you that none of your service went unnoticed and none will go unrewarded”. I have referred to this word several times in my messages. An interesting thing happened when we got to Malawi. The conference city was Mchinji, a two-hour drive from Lilongwe where our plane landed. Our host, Pastor Banda, picked us up and drove to our hotels. He assured us that the place he got for us was the best available in that community. Guess the name of the hotel? Rewards Lodge. Interestingly, we arrived at the hotel on September 12, 2023, and the devotional entry for that day was titled REWARD! I didn’t immediately connect the dots until Engineer Kayode Adeboye called my attention to it.
The devotional entry was written months before we even decided the date for the mission. How could one have written about reward and arrive at Rewards Lodge in a foreign land same day? Two lessons are here for me. Firstly, there is no better way to confirm that the word I had paraded for sometimes is truly from the Lord. All that happened could not have been a mere coincidence. Secondly, the truth of our text came to light even brighter. Known unto God are all His works from long ago. He can determine the unforeseen future and guide us step by step into it. It is exciting to know that God is not doing guesswork with anyone’s life.