Bethlehem of old was a little city. Its first mention was not in a positive light, it was in connection with the death of Rachel, the beloved wife of Jacob. That was the burying place for the mother of two who died in her prime. The next mention was also not encouraging. In Ruth chapter one, we read of a famine in Bethlehem. That was what sent Elimelech and his family to Moab in search of survival. That was one journey too many as the man and his two sons never made it back. About the first good thing noted in connection with this city came when Samuel went there to anoint David as king. This little city would later come under God’s prophetic radar. As Micah 5:2 shows, that was where Heaven planned that the Saviour would be born into. For more than two thousand years now, Bethlehem, though still not very big, has continued to play host to millions from around the world as tourists pour in to see the birthplace of Jesus.
What we must know is that God can make something significant out of seemingly ordinary life. When God is added to your little, significance is the result.
The thought of being or having little in life could be unpleasant, if viewed only from the physical.Being little can breed feeling of insignificance or even depression, if it is not well handled. What we must know is that God can make something significant out of seemingly ordinary life. When God is added to your little, significance is the result. God can still bring your life under His prophetic watch and turn you around.