Years ago, I put a call to the help desk of an airline for reservation. The agent took my details, and after a brief period she called out my reservation code. “0356 whiskey papa”, she said. Hearing this I felt blank, trying to decode what she was saying. I guess she realized my confusion and she had to talk plain. What she was actually saying is, “0356WP”. She had converted the reference to a technical jargon which would not make sense to an ordinary person outside of their field. She sounded confident in her job, but I was not impressed. Her technicality did not help me one bit. The essence of communication is to convey understanding. Except our audience is able to understand what we are saying, it is all labour in futility. So, one of the rules of effective communication is to keep things simple. Communication is effective when the communicator and the recipient speak and hear from a mutual standpoint.
The gospel of Christ is simple, and it is our responsibility to look for simple ways to pass it across to the world.
It is comforting knowing that God did not wrap the gospel message in some technical details that ordinary people cannot understand. Our text points to the simplicity of the gospel. Once we are saved, we receive the mandate to spread the same good news of salvation to others. We must avoid the mistake of my agent. The gospel of Christ is simple, and it is our responsibility to look for simple ways to pass it across to the world.