It is proven that a glorious future or destiny does not just happen, we have to make conscious preparations for it. Yesterday, we introduced the story of a boy who took to training at the tender age of eight. His goal was to be strong and fit to outwit any potential bully. It did not stop there. When asked what he would like to be in future, he provided a litany of things. He would like to be a personal trainer, play basketball, and do tracks. This boy seems to be a firm believer in the fact that the future starts today. His goals for the future became the inspiration for the walkouts. One of the morals of that interview is this: start training today for what you hope to do or become tomorrow. A dream without corresponding developmental programs for its accomplishment is a mere wish.
Another reason for spiritual exercise can be found in our text. It is by growing up that we can access our inheritance in God. The Bible describes us as heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ. I believe that there are two dimensions to our inheritance. One is accessible here and now; and the other is reserved for eternity. To obtain what God has for us we have to grow up. This is in line with Galatians 4:1, that an heir will be treated like a servant unless he grows up. Most times, immaturity is the greatest obstacle to our blessing, not the devil.