Some years ago, I visited a wildlife park in South Africa in the company of some brethren. The attendant at the park guided our tour. Somewhere in the park, we saw some lion cubs. The attendant cuddled the cubs while some of the visitors also tried to rub their hands on their furs. Within the same park were older lions locked up behind heavy barricades. The cubs had the ferocity and power of an adult lion in them but will require time and nourishment to manifest them.
Many people believe that they have some deposits of God in them. They agree on the fact that God wants them to become beneficial to the Body of Christ and the world at large through the gifts of the Spirit. The problem, however, is that they do not know how to discover what special abilities of the Spirit they have been given. The approach to finding the grace of God in us is just to concentrate on feeding ourselves with the diet of God’s word. It is the nature of all things that when fed with requisite food, their inner elements begin to show forth. The cubs would naturally grow into the kings of the jungle as long as they keep feeding. The more you digest the word of God with the help of the Spirit, the clearer the gift of God in you becomes. The need to know what God has deposited in us provides another case for spiritual exercise.