After about two years of absence, I had the opportunity to visit my country home for a couple of days in June this year. It was a good time to catch my breath. My friend and his wife visited on one of the days. When my wife probed to know the whereabouts of the young lady they brought to their home to help, we learned that she had packed away unceremoniously. That was after she had been trained through secondary school and enrolled in a tertiary institution. But for her malpractice during examination, she would have graduated by now. We learned that the girl’s mother, the only surviving parent, never bother to say thank you at anytime; neither did she come to explain why her daughter disengaged in such manner.
“The surest way of not being disappointed is to do everything in the name of the Lord. You can be assured that everything that is done for the Lord will come with adequate compensation.”
In order to avoid disappointment, the best approach to our helping or blessing people is to do it “as to the Lord”. Sometimes, some people will pay you back for the good things you have done; but it is too much a risk to set your heart to it. The surest way of not being disappointed is to do everything in the name of the Lord. You can be assured that everything that is done for the Lord will come with adequate compensation. The compensation can be immediate on some occasions; on other occasions it is posted into our records for future use. However it happens, you can rest content that none of your good deeds will ever go unrewarded by the Lord.