Samson was one of the deliverers that God raised for Israel. His lifestyle as well as his mandate was predetermined before his conception. His life was to follow the strict ascetic lifestyle of a Nazarite. No drinking of strong wine, and no eating of dead animals. His hair must not be shaved. Samson’s life was a testimony of how much one person could achieve through God. He constituted a one-man army and discomfited the Philistines. As long as he complied with the rules of engagement, he prevailed. The major dark spot in his illustrious career was his misadventure with Delilah who was used by the Philistines to nail him. Notwithstanding, it is reported that he achieved more victory at death than all his exploits prior.
“When He cried, “It is finished”, the age-long problem of sin that plagued mankind was dealt with… remember that the chain that held you bound has been broken!”
Jesus shared many similarities with Samson, yet without the stain of his sin. The mandate of Jesus was also firmly established before birth. Whereas Samson came to save Israel from the oppression of the Philistines, Jesus came to save the world from the crutches of sin and Satan. Jesus also came as a Nazarene and was popularly known as Jesus of Nazareth. The high point of our meditation today is that just as Samson did more at death, Jesus also accomplished more on that Good Friday long ago. In His earthly ministry, he had healed the sick and raised the dead. He cleansed the lepers and gave sight to the blind. The hungry were not left out as He fed them to the full. However, all these would lose their significance when placed side by side with what happened at His death. When He cried, “It is finished”, the age-long problem of sin that plagued mankind was dealt with. Today, as we mark the crucifixion of Jesus, remember that the chain that held you bound has been broken!