Giving in the Old Testament had regulations. It was to be done freely and proportionately. Another regulation was that the children of Israel should not be frivolous in their stewardship, throwing their gift just anywhere. This specific instruction concerning this can be found in Deuteronomy 12:13-14 – “Take heed to thyself that thou offer not thy burnt offerings in every place that thou seest: but in the place which the LORD shall choose in one of thy tribes, there thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, and there thou shalt do all that I command thee.” It is interesting to note that all these regulations still apply today. Giving should be voluntary, and it is to reflect how much blessing we have received from the Lord. Moreover, giving should not be indiscriminately done; so we don’t become guilty of giving to places furthering the cause of Satan ostensibly called Church.
When next you have some money to invest, ask God to show you the field He has chosen for the money. Mind you, the chosen field is the blessed field.
The admonition to not give indiscriminately can serve us in good stead even in personal pursuits. Circumspection is essential when it comes to investment. Most people rely on hearsay or investment market report to make investment decisions. As good as these are, God’s people must learn to get their final brief from the Spirit. In our passage, God taught Jeremiah to buy a particular land that would be advertized to him by his uncle’s son. By the way, that particular purchase did not make sense then; but God sees the end from the beginning. You may see your money as a physical thing, but it is indeed a spiritual thing and God wants to direct how to handle it. When next you have some money to invest, ask God to show you the field He has chosen for the money. Mind you, the chosen field is the blessed field.