Different tasks, different attitudes; we would say. Elijah had had a tedious day. He had patiently watched the prophets of Baal work themselves to exhaustion. He had also prayed a fire-invoking prayer. One would expect that after such a busy day, Elijah should settle down to a feast in celebration of all the victory. No! Ahab could go eat and drink; he must connect with God for the next miracle. Elijah took to praying until the cloud of rain formed.
“God will always want man to collaborate with Him in birthing divine agenda on earth. If man fails in his own duty, it could lead to a breach in the promise of God.”
What was Elijah’s source of power? It is clear that the secret of his power was prayer. A number of instances were recorded in the Bible, painting the picture of a mighty, praying man. He prayed for the widow’s son and revived him from death. He prayed for fire to come down. He prayed that there would not be rain. Then he prayed to reverse this. There is a critical lesson to learn here. Note that it was God who wanted to shut the heaven. Note also that it was God who purposed to send rain upon the land. So if God had purposed it why would Elijah still wear himself out in prayer? The point is this: God will always want man to collaborate with Him in birthing divine agenda on earth. If man fails in his own duty, it could lead to a breach in the promise of God.