During the second term of President Bill Clinton, an independent investigator by name Ken Star spent about $40 million over a period of four years to gather information about the president’s liaison with an intern. Nothing better demonstrates the power of information than this. The information he gathered later led to the impeachment of the president which, thankfully, was overturned by the upper house. In more sense than one, information is life! Think of it this way. Humans have five basic senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. They are called sense organs because they are associated with sending information to the brain to help us understand and perceive the world around us. Each of the senses deals with information. We have known people who lost one of the senses like sight or hearing who still carry on with life. Life ceases to exist as we know it when all the senses no longer receive information. That is why we said earlier that information is life.
A single piece of relevant information can become a life changer. Yesterday, we referenced Joseph who connected the path to greatness by answering the call of duty. Something happened before that. When he got to the field where he assumed his brethren were, he discovered that they were not there. Genesis 37:15 stated that a man found Joseph in the field, wandering. It was that unnamed man that provided him with the information that his brethren had moved to Dothan. One piece of right information put an end to his wandering. Whether it is financial or marital struggle, someone might be in possession of an information that would bail you out. Never joke with the power of information. Pray and search for it. Something is about to change for good in your life.