The seed of faith is in every child of God. In reality, no one can be said to be truly born again without faith. The Bible makes it clear that we are saved by grace through faith. So there is the saving faith. Beyond the saving faith is the “living faith”. That is, the faith we need to tread down oppositions, sicknesses, and lack. It is this faith that we engage to live a life of exploits. In the last couple of days, we have said that faith is expressed by words and actions. Sometimes it is through both as the story of the woman with the issue of blood shows. She came and touched Jesus but not until she had said in her heart that she would be made whole.
“If we don’t give up, something or someone will show up that will make a difference in our lives.”
As powerful as faith is, we must not assume that every time we speak a faith word or take a faith step, we would get the desired result immediately. More often than not, there is a waiting period from when we begin to express faith to when we see the faith harvest. Patience, in its right, is an expression of faith. The ability to wait and not to give up tells God that even if there is a delay, we do not doubt His ability or commitment to work things to our advantage. That is what we can make of the paralytic man by the pool of Bethesda. Others beat him to the pool several times but he never gave up on the source of his miracle. He always believed that there was something called another time. He kept at it until the One with whom nothing is impossible showed up. If we don’t give up, something or someone will show up that will make a difference in our lives.