In the school of faith, declaring the final result is paramount. This is what we know as the confession of faith. It is in line with the rule of faith as stated in Romans 10:10 – “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
“If you want to experience a robust walk of faith, you must choose a lifestyle that is well pleasing to God.”
From our text, we see another important ingredient for effective faith confession – integrity. Integrity is a necessary addition to faith. The last part of the text is no doubt a confession of faith. The Psalmist confidently declared, “I shall not slide”. We are not sure at what point he declared this. It stands to reason that it could be one of the several turbulent periods of his life. So he declared the end he wanted to see. However, he was not in a fool’s paradise when he made his declaration. His confidence was rooted in his integrity. Confession without a proper standing with God is nothing more than an illusion. If you want to experience a robust walk of faith, you must choose a
lifestyle that is well pleasing to God.