Pride is a subtle sin to which many people are susceptible. It is so subtle that an otherwise humble person can become arrogant of his virtue without knowing. Pride has several inroads into a life. It could ride on the wings of an advantage, real or imagined. It also can come on the heel of achievement or even the record time with which we got the job done. In the light of recent meditations, we can add another source of pride. When an individual thinks he is self-made, he is bordering on pride. Those who think life is run on the basis of do-it-yourself are prone to this danger. That was exactly what spelt the death knell for Nebuchadnezzar. As our text shows, he saw the sprawling Babylonian empire as a product of “my mighty power”. He lost it all, at least for a season.
“When an individual thinks he is self-made, he is bordering on pride. Those who think life is run on the basis of do-it-yourself are prone to this danger…Regardless of how pride enters a life, it always spells humiliation.”
Regardless of how pride comes, it remains one of the detestable things in the eyes of God. In Proverbs 6, we have a list of seven things that the Lord hates. Incidentally, the first on the list is pride. It is not a random listing that got pride on the top of the list. It is a pointer to how much God detests it and how humans often fall prey to it. Again, regardless of how pride enters a life, it always spells humiliation. It spelt a humiliating banishment for Nebuchadnezzar. He had to spend seven seasons in the wild with the beasts. It spelt death to Herod who succumbed to sycophants who elevated him to the level of gods. Nebuchadnezzar dwelt too long in his pride. He had 12 full months after Daniel warned him of the errors of his way. The way to avoid a crushing defeat through pride is to quickly heed the prompting of the Spirit. Reference God in all your achievements, and give Him glory for all good things around you.