Two questions will drive today’s meditation. Firstly, what in our text is meant by “the tongue of the learned”? Does it refer to the oratorical power of someone who studied at any Ivy League school? Not necessarily. The tongue of the learned connotes dispensing of heavenly wisdom when one speaks. Taking the text from another translation will make it plainer. “The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will.” (Isaiah 50:4 NLT)
Secondly, who was the scripture referring to? The text of scripture before us is one of the many messianic verses in the book of Isaiah. This verse will be of help in trying to understand the reason why Jesus created so much time for solitude, meditation, and prayer. It was at such moments that He connected with heaven to hear what the priority of the Father was for each day. He once testified that His judgment was not fashioned after man’s standard, that He judged as He heard. It is safe to conclude that Jesus heard the Father daily. What He heard informed what He said and did; and no wonder everything went well and enjoyed heaven’s backing. We previously learned of the power of information. There is no truer information source than that which proceeds from God. Those who create time for fellowship with Him prepare the ground for breaking news from heaven.