The entrepreneurial spirit of Richard Branson is never in doubt. The more than 400 companies which he controls today testify to that. The Virgin Group, the umbrella for all his companies was founded in the 1970s. According to him, the question that fires his entrepreneurial spirit is, “What if…?” He asked that question before he floated Virgin Atlantic. He planned to visit the lady whom he eventually married. Suddenly, the airline cancelled their flight. He asked himself, ‘‘What if there was another way…?’ Sure enough, he found another way. He saw a lot of passengers stranded. So he went to the back of the airport to hire a plane. He put up an ad on a board for passengers to fly for $39. In no time, the plane was full. What has become a global carrier started with a disappointment.
Many people get stuck in life because of analyzing issues wrongly. Richard Branson was not the only passenger disappointed with that flight cancellation, but he was the only one who turned it into an advantage. Inside every disappointment is an appointment, and an advantage in every disadvantage. Napoleon Hill said, “Every problem comes with an equal or greater opportunity.” Those who succeed in life have learned how to tap into the opportunities that come with their problems. This aligns with scriptural principle. When a lion charged at Samson, he faced it squarely, killed it and eventually got honey from it. And a proverb too! Rather than allowing problem to overwhelm you, use it as a stepping stone to a better life.