Counsel is like a two-edged sword, it can hurt as easily as it can help. Rehoboam was undone by a counsel. Upon the death of his father, Solomon, all the children of Israel were willing to work with him, but on one condition. They asked him to lighten the heavy burden placed on them by his predecessor. The older men who advised his father asked him to acquiesce to them, but he preferred the counsel of the youngsters who grew up with him. He threatened to make life tougher for the people. The kingdom broke into two under his watch. From our text, we see that Jeroboam was undone by a counsel. He got the mandate to rule over ten tribes of Israel on a platter. Feeling insecure that people might return their loyalty to Rehoboam if they continue to worship in Jerusalem, he set up parallel gods in his domain. That became a sin to him and a stumbling block to the people. He was punished severely for it.
Counsel is like a two-edged sword, it can hurt as easily as it can help… You know a counsel is wise if it does not contradict the word of God. You know a counsel is a misfit if it will clash with God and His values.
In life, we shall always need counsel, but not just any counsel. Proverbs 24:6 says by wise counsel you shall make your wars. So not all counsel is wise. Many people have had their life’s mission destroyed through wrong counsel. When you receive counsel, carefully check if it is wise or not. You know a counsel is wise if it does not contradict the word of God. You know a counsel is a misfit if it will clash with God and His values. If you are not able to decide immediately whether a counsel is wise or not, give it time. As you prayerfully reflect on any course of action without undue haste, the Spirit of the Lord will guard your heart with peace beyond description.