Paul offered several recommendations towards harmonious family relationships. One of them is the text before us. Husbands are to avoid resentment towards their wives. Resentment could lead to a cold war that will set a family on a track of destruction. This advice is still as relevant today as when Paul first penned down the words. The only thing we will like to add is that it is a word that is applicable to every other form of relationship as well. Resentment is the typical way people respond to words and actions they disapprove of. When people are ill-mannered towards us, we are tempted to resent them.
When people are ill-mannered towards us, we are tempted to resent them…Resentment is often shown by withdrawing from what are legitimate duties.
The Bible does not give us warrant for bitterness under any circumstance. Resentment is often shown by withdrawing from what are legitimate duties. If a man is resentful against his parents, he may cut off support from them. The danger of this is that such a man would have violated the word of God that commands children to honour their parents. He will then miss the blessing attached to such duties. Moreover, resentment is a manifestation of unforgiving spirit. Any prayer offered with this attitude stands rejected before God. All things considered, the resentful person is the loser; even doubly so. On the first count you felt wronged before you showed resentment. Then by your response you block access to the flow of God’s blessing. The best thing to do is to discuss issues that are moving you towards bitterness. If they cannot be discussed, for whatever reason, you need to appropriate the grace of God to dismiss them.