The only way to enjoy divine backing and blessing is to follow divine procedures. Going through scriptures will make it clear that God gives attention to procedures.
The only way to enjoy divine backing and blessing is to follow divine procedures. Going through scriptures will make it clear that God gives attention to procedures.
A child of God can be sure of winning the war ultimately because Christ has already conquered.
There is a sense in which even fear of failure can be healthy, particularly if we don’t allow it to paralyze all activity and initiative. This type of fear can make one work harder and block all the likely avenues to failure.
Devils will normally seek for a legal doorway into people’s lives. This is usually by way of sin, fear, and disobedience to God. If you do not give right of way to the devil, you can use your own legal right in Christ to checkmate him.
Of course, I have personally prayed it for myself too on a number of occasions. God does not want us to labour in vain.
A good way to start is by appreciating that there is no frivolity in the promises of God. God would not promise what is impossible. This should inspire our faith and our quest.
One of the several pastoral counsels given by Paul to Timothy is the one on the imperativeness of accurately interpreting and teaching the word.
In our previous meditation, we made an attempt at establishing what the purpose of life is – it is to fulfill purpose. Of course, our life on earth is a fraction of time given to us to prepare for eternity.
My submission on life is not in any way abstract. It is what you can glean from the Bible. Specifically, the book of Ecclesiastes puts it so clearly.
Have you heard people trying to exonerate themselves by saying, “I didn’t know what came over me”? A safeguard against infiltration is to constantly dedicate our faculties to God.